Fibroids and Pregnancy: Essential Guide for Expectant Mothers

Fibrome et Grossesse - Accouchement avec des fibromes  /

Uterine fibroids affect many women worldwide. If you’re expecting a baby or planning to conceive, the presence of these benign tumours in the uterine wall can understandably raise concerns. But rest assured, this article will guide you through everything you need to know about the impact of fibroids on pregnancy and offer effective strategies to […]

The Best Fertility Lubricants: Complete Guide 2024

Les meilleurs lubrifiants fertilité pour la conception / The best lubricants for fertility

Explore the best lubricants designed to improve your chances of conception and support your journey to parenthood. Lubricants and fertility: Did you know that the lubricants you use during intercourse can impact your chances of conceiving? Choosing a lubricant, if you decide to use one, is an important factor to consider when trying to conceive. […]

What are natural contraception methods?

La Contraception Naturelle avant les méthodes hormonales

In a constantly evolving world, where technological advancements are revolutionizing women’s health and reproductive care, more and more women are choosing to embrace natural contraception methods. Long before the advent of the contraceptive pill and other hormonal birth control options, most women relied on natural solutions from their environment to manage their fertility periods. Today, […]

Gorontula – A Natural Remedy for Vaginal Dryness

remède naturel contre la sécheresse intime / natural remedy for vaginal dryness

Goron tula, often referred to as the ‘miracle fruit’ due to its numerous health benefits, has its roots in West Africa. Traditionally used in various communities for its medicinal properties, this fruit has gained popularity worldwide for its positive effects on women’s health, particularly concerning vaginal dryness or intimate dryness. Vaginal dryness affects many women […]