Understanding and addressing low libido in women

Traiter la Baisse de Libido Chez la Femme 

Low libido in women is a complex issue that can arise at different stages of life and affect many women. Regardless of the causes, this decrease in sexual desire can impact not only personal satisfaction but also your relationship. Fortunately, there are ways to understand the causes of low sexual desire and find suitable solutions. […]

How to Tighten the Vagina: Best Techniques and Tips

Herbes naturelles utilisees pour le resserrement vaginal

Many women seek solutions to feel more comfortable and confident in their intimate lives. These concerns can arise after childbirth, due to the natural ageing process, or hormonal changes. They may lead to issues such as decreased sexual pleasure, urinary leakage, and a dip in self-confidence. This comprehensive guide explores the causes of vaginal laxity […]

Gorontula Syrup: The Secret of Aphrodisiac Honey for Women

Sirop de gorontula le miel aphrodisiaque pour femme

Did you know that the use of aphrodisiac honeys isn’t just for men? While these honeys are often linked to men’s health products, particularly for treating erectile dysfunction, Goron tula syrup, a traditional remedy used by women in Africa, is an excellent aphrodisiac for women. Inspired by ancient Hausa recipes, this syrup, often called “Goron […]

What are natural contraception methods?

La Contraception Naturelle avant les méthodes hormonales

In a constantly evolving world, where technological advancements are revolutionizing women’s health and reproductive care, more and more women are choosing to embrace natural contraception methods. Long before the advent of the contraceptive pill and other hormonal birth control options, most women relied on natural solutions from their environment to manage their fertility periods. Today, […]

Carpolobia lutea: Sweet Chewing Stick, a Concentrate of Health and Well-being Benefits

Cure-dent sucré / carpolobia lutea / cattle stick / Egbo oshunshun / adodun / Hausa sticks

Carpolobia lutea, also known as the “sweet chewing stick”, is a plant native to West Africa renowned for its potent aphrodisiac effects. It is considered an effective natural remedy for boosting libido and improving sexual performance. Other names for it are “cattle stick” (English), “Ikpafum” (Ibibio), “Agba” or “Angalagala” (Igbo), and “Egbo Oshunshun” (Yoruba) in Nigeria.

Aphrodisiac honey: myth or reality?

Miel aphrodisiaque et certains des ingrédients utilisés pour le fabriquer

Aphrodisiac honey: myth or reality? Honey, this golden and sweet substance produced by bees from the nectar of flowers, has long been celebrated for its multiple culinary and medicinal virtues. But beyond its health benefits and exquisite taste, honey holds more intimate secrets, often whispered with a hint of curiosity: its aphrodisiac properties. For centuries, […]

Gorontula – A Natural Remedy for Vaginal Dryness

remède naturel contre la sécheresse intime / natural remedy for vaginal dryness

Goron tula, often referred to as the ‘miracle fruit’ due to its numerous health benefits, has its roots in West Africa. Traditionally used in various communities for its medicinal properties, this fruit has gained popularity worldwide for its positive effects on women’s health, particularly concerning vaginal dryness or intimate dryness. Vaginal dryness affects many women […]