In a constantly evolving world, where technological advancements are revolutionizing women’s health and reproductive care, more and more women are choosing to embrace natural contraception methods. Long before the advent of the contraceptive pill and other hormonal birth control options, most women relied on natural solutions from their environment to manage their fertility periods. Today, natural contraception, as an alternative to hormonal methods, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, driven by women’s desire to avoid the side effects associated with modern contraceptive techniques. But do these traditional contraception practices represent a true return to the roots or a potential risk? In this article, we’ll delve into the various natural contraception methods, from their historical origins to their modern-day applications.
Traditional Contraception Methods: A Practice Passed Down Through Generations
Before modern contraception methods like birth control pills, IUDs, contraceptive patches, or the vaginal ring became available, many communities around the world relied on traditional practices passed down through generations to control fertility. Most women used locally sourced contraceptive methods. These natural family planning techniques showcase the practical effectiveness of local knowledge, using resources available in each region. Each community had its own methods of natural contraception, and here are a few examples.
Castor seeds in Nigeria

In some Nigerian communities, women have used castor seeds as a form of contraception. These seeds are believed to reduce the risk of pregnancy during fertile days by temporarily blocking fertility. Some women claim that the practical effectiveness of this natural contraception method can last up to three months or longer. To prepare them, they must remove the bark, which is considered toxic, and peel the seed until a whitish kernel is revealed, which they then swallow. This seed is thought to protect against pregnancy for several months. Although this contraceptive practice is still popular and used today in Nigeria, it is not without risks. The contraceptive power of castor seeds has not been scientifically proven, and its practical effectiveness, as well as failure rates, are undefined. Additionally, improper preparation or incorrect dosages could disrupt the ovulation cycle or, worse, harm the cervix and overall reproductive health of women. This is why it is important to rely on traditional contraceptives that nourish and preserve the body’s natural functions.
Wild carrot seeds in India

In India, in some rural areas, wild carrot seeds were used as a contraceptive method after potentially fertile intercourse. The seeds are chewed immediately after the act, believed to prevent implantation. Women would take about a teaspoon of wild carrot seeds within eight hours of intercourse and then every eight hours after. This contraception method highlights the importance of traditional knowledge. However, the effectiveness of this method relies on strict adherence, as missing a dose means the protection against pregnancy is not guaranteed.
Grains of Selim: A Preventive Infusion

In some parts of West Africa, Grains of Selim are also consumed by women after intercourse.
Although this contraceptive method is still practiced, it lacks specific measurements or dosages. Additionally, the infusion of Grains of Selim must be taken immediately after intercourse, which raises uncertainties about its effectiveness during the fertile period.
Other Global Practices
In addition to these specific examples, many other natural contraception methods exist around the world. Some involve the use of medicinal plants, while others rely on practices of periodic abstinence based on lunar or menstrual cycles. Methods such as breastfeeding, the MAMA method, and the withdrawal method are well-known and widely used across the globe. These solutions highlight the resourcefulness of couples in managing menstrual cycles and fertility periods. However, they also underscore the need for greater access to sexual education and modern contraception care that is natural, effective, and health-conscious.
Why opt for natural approaches?
With the emergence of documented side effects from hormonal contraceptives, many women are seeking more natural alternatives that are gentler on their bodies. Some of the reasons cited include:
- The side effects of modern hormonal solutions: Some women report unwanted side effects such as hormonal imbalances, weight gain, vaginal discharge, mood swings, decreased libido, and more. While these symptoms can vary from one individual to another, they prompt many people to reconsider their contraceptive choices.
- A more natural approach: Natural contraceptive methods help avoid the introduction of hormonal contraception into the body and reduce the need for barrier methods with every sexual encounter. This also aligns with a broader movement toward simpler, more sustainable lifestyles. Moreover, most women with young children, after childbirth, seek contraception methods free from harmful chemicals and additives.
- Cost: Modern natural techniques and devices are often low-cost or even free, unlike medicalized methods that require consultations or ongoing follow-up.
- Religious and cultural beliefs: For some women, natural methods align with their personal or spiritual beliefs, which may reject modern contraceptives.
Despite these perceived benefits, natural contraception methods have significant limitations, including reduced reliability and their dependence on strict and careful use. This highlights the need to combine natural devices with clinical contraceptive practices.
Modern Techniques Inspired by Natural Practices
With the advancement of scientific knowledge, natural contraception has been adapted and modernized. These approaches often combine technological tools to enhance their accuracy and effectiveness.
The Symptothermal Method
The symptothermal method is based on observing several bodily indicators, including basal body temperature and cervical mucus quality, to identify fertile days and periods that are not conducive to conception. Although this approach requires dedication, it can be a reliable alternative when practiced consistently, with the involvement of a partner and proper training. The symptothermal method is a natural, free, and eco-friendly form of contraception. It particularly appeals to women who want to manage their menstrual cycle without medical methods and take control of their contraception.
The Billings Method
Developed in the 1950s, the Billings Method focuses on observing cervical mucus to determine the fertility window. This involves paying attention to the sensation at the vulva and observing, without touching. Simple and non-invasive, the cervical mucus method is increasingly popular, especially among women with regular menstrual cycles. It has proven to be practically effective, particularly for couples who have received training from certified instructors. Additionally, it allows men to be involved in managing the couple’s fertility.
The calendar method and the support of mobile apps
Today, the calendar method, also known as the Ogino-Knaus method, which involves identifying the fertile days of the menstrual cycle to avoid unprotected intercourse during that period, is gaining popularity thanks to technological advancements. Mobile apps and connected devices now allow for precise tracking of menstrual cycles, making natural contraception methods more accessible, practical, and user-friendly.
These tools help identify fertile days by relying on data such as the average length of previous cycles. They can also be used to determine if emergency contraception is needed after intercourse close to the days when pregnancy is possible. By combining technology with cycle observation, these solutions modernize traditional approaches and support users in the natural management of their fertility.
The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) is a natural form of contraception based on the contraceptive effect of exclusive breastfeeding. This mechanism relies on the secretion of prolactin, a hormone produced in large amounts during breastfeeding, which inhibits ovulation. According to the WHO, this method can be 99.1% effective when the following conditions are met:
- The infant must be under 6 months old.
- Breastfeeding must be exclusive or nearly exclusive, with at least 6 to 10 feedings per day, and intervals no longer than 4 hours during the day and 6 hours at night.
- The mother must not have had her return of menstruation (absence of periods since childbirth).
If any of these conditions are not met – for example, if the frequency of feedings decreases, complementary foods are introduced, or menstruation returns – this method is no longer reliable, and another form of contraception should be considered.
Based on a physiological reality, the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) offers a natural and eco-friendly contraceptive alternative for breastfeeding mothers. However, its reliability requires strict adherence to the criteria and a good understanding of the process.
While these four natural methods are the most commonly used, others exist, such as the fixed-day method, which relies on counting days, and the two-day method, based on the observation of vaginal secretions.
When Modernity Meets Tradition
The rise of modernized natural contraception approaches reflects a growing desire to reconcile science with tradition. A woman wishing to use these techniques should consult a healthcare professional to ensure they meet her needs and lifestyle. Additionally, the growing popularity of digital apps for fertility management shows that technology can play a key role in improving the accessibility and effectiveness of natural contraceptive solutions.
An informed and personal choice
Natural contraception methods, whether rooted in traditional practices or modernized by technology, offer an interesting alternative to hormonal contraceptives. While they promote respect for the body and nature, they require in-depth knowledge and strict discipline to minimize the risk of pregnancy.
For women looking to explore the available options in natural contraception, the key lies in information and dialogue with healthcare professionals. Understanding the benefits and limitations of each contraceptive option allows for a personal and informed choice, tailored to individual needs and lifestyle.
The best contraceptive option is one that respects both the body, personal beliefs, and reproductive health goals. This deeply personal choice deserves to be supported primarily by the partner, as well as the community and the High Authority for Health.